We are pleased to announce the availability of PHP 8. PHP is the software that powers most web sites, including all Wordpress web sites. PHP 8 is not only faster than previous versions, but it is also the most secure version ever. It's always best to run the latest version of PHP if your web site's software is fully compatible with it. We have installed PHP 8 and PHP 8.2 on all of our web servers and it is now ready to be used by any web site that wants to upgrade to it.

It's easy to change your PHP version using cPanel using the steps outlined in the following Happy Dog Knowledgebase article. Note, after upgrading to a new version of PHP it is important to check your site to ensure everything is working properly. The latest version of Wordpress is always 100% compatible with the latest version of PHP, but some plugin and theme developers tend to lag behind, so thoroughly testing your site after upgrading is imperative. If problems are found, such as a white screen or error message, simply downgrade to an earlier version of PHP until all of your plugins and themes have released updates. Note, if you are currently enrolled in one of our maintenance plans then we have already upgraded your PHP version for you.

Click here for instructions on how to upgrade to PHP 8.

Please feel free to open a support ticket if you have any questions regarding PHP upgrades. Thank you for honoring Happy Dog with your web hosting services!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

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